Monday, October 8, 2007


came back from hometown le....
very tired.....
go back hometown very fun....
i drive to the beach...^^
the wind is reli so relaxing....
long time never been to the beach liao....
the beach not much ppl de....
maybe the location seldom ppl go ba....
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so happy if my dear ** ** can be wif me at there....(i think too far le...XD)
few sad things happened....
when i get out of the car....
i stung by dunno wat pain..T.T
when wanna go back dat time....
i reverse the waja dat time...
the tyre...stuck into some rocks....XD
so panic....cuz....
i cant get the car out....
i step the oil paddle till the meter show 3000rpm...
the car still cant get out....
(i wonder izit i dint push the gear to gear 1) grandpa drive....
OH NO!!!!!
he get out of the rocks so fast man....
i stunt there liao....
i cant drive dat car well....
kelian de me....
so no face....
my cousin all laugh me....haiz....
sad case ar sad case ar....
lucky the waja no prob
if not.......i am DEAD!!!
cuz...i saw many rocks under the car....
if worse le...the tyre all pancit....
tyre all pancit = no need go home....

i drive back safely....
lucky my grandpa dint say wat...
he just say...U STILL NOT ENOUGH EXPERIENCE...but..u can drive well
haha....^^ least something....

den on the way back...saw a wira...very not stable....
keep on going left right left right...
den i overtake the wira....n i saw
OH NO!!!
the driver is "pakto"ing wif her gf....
no wonder the car keep shaking de.....
cuz he is playing wif her gf...cant reli contol the sterling...

on sat nite....
cant reli sleep...
cuz i am missing my dear ** **
keep on thinking of her...
wait until 2am onli can sleep....
** ** ar...
u seems becoming more n more important in my heart liao...
cant stop thinking of u....
miss u...



VanVan said...

read d also feel very COLD ar!!!!!
my goodness...
know how to drive or not one ar you???!!!
even ur GRANDPA also better than you!!!
wahahaha... :P

Vincent Looi said...

swt....din u ever heard?real msg from heart is always very rou ma de....haha...XD....
of cuz i noe how to drive la....
i just bu xi guan drive small car...
waja not good de...1600cc onli
bu guan...oil usage is diff from 2000cc...
my grandpa geng ma...he drive so many years liao....
his grandson me...onli drive few months ba to compare?