Saturday, October 6, 2007

hmm...ntg much special....

2day wake up the earliest in this holiday
10am wake up liao....
my sis come back le...
she finish her PMR!!!
den she went out wif frens....
me le....
follow my mom n 1 aunty go out....
go to the south city plaza....
i found a comic shop....
thanks god....
i found 女王骑士 第八集了!!!
searching 4 dat vol very very long liao.... least...dint waste my time following my mom n aunty...
when wanna go out...
geng ar....
the whole shopping center....
onli got 1 auto pay machine...
dat is...
at the exit....
i waste my time to find dat machine!!!
den on the way back...
i drive....haha
so happy....
but my mom very fan....
keep asking me to use 2 hands to hold the sterling..
so ma fan...
cuz i always use 1 hand de....wakakaka.....
next station...
go 1u...
fetch my sis back....
den help her n her frens to take photo....
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
they look pretty....XD...wan noe them i can jie shaw...XD
the photo is take using sony ericsson k800i dat come wif cyber-shot function XD
den on the way back...
cannot drive fast...
cuz fetching all her frens back...
keep looking 4 the hse...dint realise a bum...
then everyone shouting n screaming....cuz the car jump quite high de....XD
my sis n her frens...knock their head...(hope they din become stupid)
den come back very tired....
but...i am missing her...
wondering she got even think of me ma....
i think got gua...XD(per dao~~)
haiz...2moro go back hometown...
cant chat wif her liao....
will miss her much de....
i miss dear ** **



VanVan said...

NVM looo...
you go back hometown few days only rite...
Come back d then can talk to her looo...

Vincent Looi said...

yea yea...
u noe oh...she oh
onli active at nite ba liao
i meed to go skul de ar...
so cannot chat long wif her....
she like an owl....XD