Monday, October 29, 2007


got concert...
oso my cousin de birthday...
happy birthday ya justin boy...
at 530...
we start going...
going to bukit jalil...
pass by my dear de hse...
now i finally noe the way liao...
ystd go still got a bit blur blur...
now i think wont blur liao...
thanks to my aunt...
she pass by there...
at first i cant rmb is where..
she drive too fast liao...
lucky...on the way back...
is raining...
soi still can see..
but...she still drive so so so fast...
scary dao...raining oso fast...
she ar...tire burst liao oso dare to drive 60km/h
she always like to drive fast fast de...
my dear say i cannot drive fast liao...
so i dint liao lo...
i onli see ppl drive fast...XD
so hope i can bring u to the concert....
so so so so hope u can be wif me there....
reli reli so hope...
but...dont worry ya dear....
next time...
i sure will bring u de...
dar promise...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
see~this is the place...

2day ar...
whole day missing u...
when i close my eyes...
i saw u smile at me...
just like ystd u smile n looking at me in the car...
so sweet so cute...
i noe there is ppl keep asking u bout us...
don worry....
u can tell dar..
dar will listen to dear de...
to eugenie de frens...
(hope dat u all will wish us happy always...don always kacau kacau her oh i very sayang my dear de oh...cannot bully her ya....^^tq..)
dar will always be there 4 u when u need dar...
the every promise...
everything u say to me...
i will always always...
keep in my heart...
my heart...
just 4 u ba liao...
just eugenie can stay in my heart....
if u guys wanna noe me more...
can add my email...
or ask eugenie...
but cannot bully her oh...
we 2 will try to ans all ur "questions"...XD


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