Thursday, June 5, 2008

Heart attack

Damn it, the prices for petrol per litre increased. OH MAN! From RM 1.92 per litre increased to RM 2.70 per litre!

Seriously can die. Sooooooo damn expensive!


The speed for my money to burn going to increase soon. Haiz, i need car to date and yea, same as petrol. I do have car but i need more $$$$ for petrol.

Shit la! The rate of increase was so high! 40%! It's very high! Can lead to heart attack when i pumped my petrol.

Well, yesterday same as the others, i went to the petrol station to pumped full into my tank before it increase from 12 mid night onwards.

My car full tank cost me RM 100. Next time will cost me RM 140, argh!!!!! Much more expensive and very expensive!

Why the government treated us like this?! Actually was not the government's fault, it was world wide problem.

Can't help.

One word to describe this situation.


-happydayloklok- (-LOVE-)