Wednesday, May 13, 2009

old things

maybe i must learn to protect myself as wat u did...
maybe ba...

should i continue use this N**b**?
don so xiao qi oso la...
lost sth den this dowan dat dowan d....
change this change dat...
after a long thinking...
will those thing change our feelings n heart?
i don think so lo....

things will never affect...
being so...
reli not my way of doing things...
show dat i cant afford to lose...
show dat i am just running away from everything...
blame those thing cant make me hav a new life...
wat is new life?
new me?
ntg is must not be good too...
i like old things...
more memorable....
cuz its still once the things dat i appreciate with all my heart....
dont wanna lie to myself....
wat is weak n wat is strong?
wat is protect wat is get hurt?
all i noe is i wont abandon wat i love...
although it might hurt me...
although it will lost someday...
i still believe....
wat i love will always be the 1 i love...
