Monday, November 19, 2007

Cheer up~~

no lyrics 4 this song...lolx...
this songs is 4 all the "warrior" for the SPM war..
hope dat this song can help u all to overcome everything...
n make ur dreams come true...
2day ntg much happen...
just feel tired...
cuz onli got 3 hours to sleep ba liao...
somemore drunk by red wine...lolx...
haha...i duno how to drink alcohol drink de...
good 4 me oh?????U sure say yes de lo...rite U???
haha...i oso don reli like to drink de la...
den come back somemore nightmare a bit...
i dowan la...
dowan always like dat la...
i reli so hurt la..don la scold me...
i wish to love u as much as i can...
hope i can gif the best thing 4 u...
just 4 u...
i am trying my best...
try in many ways...
try 2 und ur things as much as i can...
try to und ur feel...
try to think from ur side be4 doing sth...
try everything dat i can do 4 u...
try to share ur sadness n happiness wif...
try to let u noe my feelings...
so many things i wanted to do wif u...
so many...
problems occurs more n more...
all unpredictable prob occurs...
unexpected doings from some ppl oso gif us a shock...
feel so so so tired seeing those prob....
when i see ur smiling face...
there is the "power","strength"...
helping me to continue going on...
continue solving prob wif u....
ntg will be so precious when no hard work is putted in...
i will..
i SURE WILL overcome everything 2gather wif u...
no me...
i need u...
always need u wif me...
waiting 4 u...
come back from the war..
i love u,eugenie...

-happydayloklok- (-LOVE-)