Monday, November 19, 2007


wake up in the morning...
should not say wake up la...
should say my sis disturb me till i wake up...
wan go wat party....
but i go later...
cuz i wan go take my lovely k800i back....YES!!!
i rush back to cousin hse 4 the party....lolx...
den saw my cousin...
so pretty....lolx...
den her husband oso very leng cai...
both of them very busy taking photo....
busy dao no time to talk to us...
normal many ppl there...where got time....
turn to the dinner there liao...
went to the nikko hotel kuala lumpur...
dat time i very tired...
my cousin somemore very bising....
keep on call gor gor gor gor....
i feel so dizzy...
den fall asleep liao....haha....XD...
den wake up den blur blur walk down the car...
wan see hu is dat cousin??
deh...this 1 lo...
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cute leh~~
very nautti de la...
run like a bull...
wan catch him oso cannot....
here is another photo....

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dat little girl is oso my min min...sweet girl...
den the lame part comes liao...
my cousin...
start to intro girls to me n my cousin brother liao...
start to call their own daughter come let us see...
my cousin brother de face so so so red when he saw those girls...
4 me le...
ntg much happen....
cuz...there is a "She" 4 me in my heart liao...
no matter how pretty dat girl is...
"She" will still always the 1 4 me...
no matter wat kind of girls i met...
nobody can compare wif her...
i always love her so so so so much....
den b4 go home...
got chance to take photo wif my cousin...
should say aunt...lolx...(sounds very old)

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(she is my grandpa de bro de i call her aunt...she same age wif me de)

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den here is the pic 4 my sis n my cousin...

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pretty oh...cute...^^
u seems like dowan to talk to me...
wat i hav done??
i reli din mean so...
u r still the best...
always the best 4 me...
i just wan to share wif u ba liao...
not wan compare...
no one can compare wif u...
u r the best in my heart....
i love u...

-happydayloklok- (-LOVE-)