Sunday, December 9, 2007


ystd went to pc fair wif my dear dear....^^
go pc fair wif dear...
first time le~~
so excited...
cuz for the past few years...
pc fair?
me n my guy de frens go ba liao...
so this year...
very special...
go wif my dear dear eugenie...^^
go by train...
cuz dunno how to drive there...XD
(dear dear...dar will learn de next time u no need so xin ku...)
the place my dear want to work at...
u will get the chance de la....
see pic~~
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my dear dear n me~~~
i love u dear dear...^^V
went to lm ex committee de gathering too....^^
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this is a part of the ex committee member...
almost 30 ex committee member...lolx...
eat stimbot... nice..^^
hehe...onli rm15 ba liao...
very nice...
very fun...
eat dao full + fun dao sot = RM15..(where to find??)
haha...get a change to take photo wif leng lui oso
me n mei mei...(jienn mei)
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me n sin yee...(become leng lui liao...XD...more leng more leng...XD)
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haha...den at nite go cc play...
den i get a bad news from u...
i so worry bout u...
now i noe u ok liao...
very good....^^
wait u come back oh...^^

-happydayloklok- (-LOVE-)