Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Semester

It's been such a long time for me to post something in my blog. Phew, life isn't that free. College just started last week and i guess i am still not in a well condition.

For the first week of my college, i am totally very tired and can't really get used to my new schedule nor time table. Damn it, it's so different from my last semester.

I used to have a daily break for the last semester which means i have one-day-off from class. But this semester i don't even have a one-day-off and my college time increased. Oh Man!

Monday and Tuesday were horrible. My class started at 8 am and i have to woke up at 6:30am to rush after the LRT. And my class ended at 6pm and i will reached home around 7 plus. My goodness, so freaking tired.

If my luck is lucky on Monday or Tuesday, God will gifted me a "nice" rain. And i have to spend more time to reached home. From my college to the LRT station need some walk and it's not a short distance.

If it's raining day, i can die. Except if my friend can give me a ride to the LRT station. If not, i seriously need to wait after the rain stop to rush after the train.

Well, this is the second week of my college new semester and i guess i started to get use to it. I have to.

Tiredness keep on staying besides me and i need some rest sometimes.

-happydayloklok- (-LOVE-)