Friday, May 8, 2009


am i human?
or i am god?
or demon?

its not important at all....
good ppl....
forgiving ppl.....
n ppl will never appreciate ur forgive...
so no matter how much u can forgive ppl...
no matter u are human,god or demon....
u r not allow to wrong for once!
u hav patience doesn't mean dat ppl will hav patience like u...
u can do doesn't mean dat ppl will do for u...
u can think for ppl n give them a chance doesn't means dat they will think for u....
think because u noe anyone will make mistake...
cuz u r oso human...
which human do not know themselve will make mistake?
even god make mistake...
if u "kill" ppl when ppl make mistake...
next time u make mistake....
do u hav ANY reason to ask for forgiveness?
u misjudge dat ppl will think like dat...
u misjudge ppl will remember wat u did....
u misjudge ppl will use dat matured thinking in relationship...
u misjudge ppl will forgive u....
u misjudge ppl will und u....
u misjudge ppl will follow wat u did....
u forget u hate dat 2 word....
u forget dat ppl dont noe their bad attitude...
u forget dat u don say den ppl will think dat their r right....
u forget to protect urself...
u forget dat u cannot onli 甘心承受一切 by ur own....
u forget dat not much ppl will treat u like ur mom did...
using whole life to see ur changes...
never give up n keep trying everyday....
u misjudge....

vincent looi....

u failed....

but i hope u will continue think for ppl like dat.....
this is ur good qualities....
wise use ur forgive....
