Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kena Tag

Four most important dates in your life.
~My birthday( no me den no more stories bout me rite?XD)
~My parents birthday
~My wedding date
~The day i die (no more me...T.T)

Four things you've done in the last 30 minutes.
~wake up??(haha)
~eat breakfast
~write blog

Four ways to be happy.
~Play RC car
~watch tv
~Chat with someone i love..

Four of your favorite hobbies.
~Play RC
~Take photograph

Four places or country you want to go for vacation.
~Australia(to find heng dai)
~UK(to find sun pei and my top up programme)

Four favorite drinks.
~Protein drink
~Sparkling Juice
~Chinese Tea

Four things always found in your bag.
~Pencil case
~Ear phone

Four favorite colors.
~red plus orange

Top four hangouts.
~1 u
~Times square
~RC track in taman titiwangsa(RC car~~)

Top four you love so much.
~MY family
~My Wife/My soulmate
~My friends
~My RC car

Top four 'things' special to you.
~My memories
~My Cute Pooh bear
~My laptop
~My name

Top 5 who you will tag.
~Sun pei
~van van heng dai
~Evelyn---The sin chan
~Chia Hui--Hui ge
~Anyone who want to do is welcome..
