Tuesday, May 13, 2008

being tagged again~

What is the most important thing in your life?
My family....

What is the last thing you bought with your own money?
Erm...let me think think ar....i bought a handphone lo~haha...but lost d...Photobucket

Where do you wish to get married?
Where ar?where oso can la...but...must wif my baby dear!!!

How old do you think that you'll be permenantly owned by your lover?
although is a bit late...but still not very late...29 years old

Are you in love?
The "sugar" level is so high...can u feel it?hehe...^^

Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Restaurant ar?hmm....i think is MCD too la~~wif my baby dear~

Name the latest book you bought.
Books ar??comics counted as book ma??haha...XD

What is your full name?
Looi Kian Lok....the name dat my baby dear always wan to hear~~(not i per la...reli la~~haha!!!)

Do you prefer mother or father?
Mother la~~

Name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time.
Ahem~~of cuz is my baby dear-Eugenie Ong Yih Jin lo~

Christina or Britney?
Wat is dat??haha!!

Do you do your own laundry?
My own laundry ar?of cuz la!!!

The most exciting place you want to go.
Erm...waiting to go to the beach wif my baby dear~

Hugs or kisses?
Both!!but must must must must be from my baby dear de~

Point out 5 things about the person wo tagged you.
My baby dear....sweet....nice...cute....good...caring...funny...nautti(like to disturb me~~haha)...like to eat(just like dino~~)haha!!!!

8 things i'm passionate about.
My baby dear,family,cars,eat,career,go travel around the world wif my baby dear,sleep(must hav enuf sleep ar~~haha...),the last thing...do sth wif my baby dear 2gather~~^^

8 things i say too often.
lolx...hehe...haha...i love u...i miss u very very much~..baby dear~,de~,ba liao~

8 books I've read recently.
i cant rmb d la...college din read books de wor...read papers ba liao~(i mean those photostat papers~~)

8 songs i can listen to over and over again.
美丽的神话, 倔强爱着你, 一千年以后, 太想爱你, 江南, forever love, 总在我身旁, 你们是我的星光.

8 things i learnt last year.
Erm...don be stupid...nvr nvr gif up on things v love so so much(but must be smart too)...work hard to get sth v wan the most...don make urself regret by not doing sth...i learn driving~haha...i learn how to go puchong~~haha!!!i learn how to solve things by heart...n...i learn how write blog~~

5.ppl i wanna tag...
1.Siow peng...
3.Van van...
4.Ern nee...

-happydayloklok- (-LOVE-)